Jesse Appell: I am a different kind of Laowai

In an interview with, Jesse discusses his life as a foreigner in China and how he is breaking stereotypes .

CET Beijing Alumnus Reinvents “Gangnam Style”

CET Academic programs talks about Laowai Style.

Foreigner Gets Crash Course in Chinese Censorship

Tea Leaf Nation follows Jesse’s project as he learns about censorship on television.

Comedy Cracks Stereotypes

The Justice, Brandeis University’s oldest newspaper, runs a feature on Jesse’s experiences in China.

China Fulbrighter Jesse Appell And His “Laowai Style” Video

Fulbright featured the media coverage of Jesse’s comedy project.

China: If The Onion isn’t funny, what is?

Jesse’s views on Chinese humor, featured by the Global Post after the Onion’s story on Kim Jong-Il was taken seriously by the China Daily.

Jesse Appell: Going Viral, Laowaii Style

This was a feature covering Xiangsheng and intercultural comedy.

Beijing Foreigner’s Remix of ‘Gangnam Style’

The popular blog ChinaSMACK covered Laowai Style and included comments from Chinese viewers translated into English.

The year in people

Jesse’s outlook on comedy and culture earned him a prime spot as one of Global Times’ “People of 2012.”

Appell’s Show

This is a very interesting feature piece on Jesse that appeared in The Global Times newspaper.